The roaring sound of cicada tymbals has noticeably quieted. The next generation of periodical cicadas is young and silent. After hatching from eggs laid in trees, they will fall to the ground and tunnel into the earth, where they will live in darkness for years. These days it is the lightning bugs who are putting on a show.
The Work in Progress
The Cicadas are Here
World Migratory Bird Day 2024
Anticipating Cicadas
Camouflaged Cacophony
Vignettes of Seasonal Duality
Between Projects
Drawing Illinois Bundleflower Seed Pods
The Merlin and the Crows
A merlin preened on a branch of a skeletal tree, contorting its body into all sorts of interesting positions as it tidied and fluffed its feathers with its beak and talons. Far away, in the distant overcast sky, the chatter of two crows sounded. Two black spots flew into view. And they saw the merlin.