Camouflaged Cacophony

In this pen and watercolor illustration, a frog inflates its throat into its signature bubble as it calls. The frog has to balance the need to be heard by fellow frogs and the need to not draw attention from possible threats.

The frog inflated its throat into a transparent balloon with every vocalization. One of many males contributing to the cacophony from the shallow water surrounded by the coverage of plants, the frog sang with the intent of catching the ear of an interested female.

A position of considerable conflict was posed. The frog had to maintain a balance between calling attention to itself and blending in with its surroundings. The camouflaged appearance of the amphibian contrasted the loud voice. As soon as a shadow fell over the water, indicating a presumable threat, so did silence. The intermission was not permanent, though. Song resumed when the shadow left and the coast was deemed clear.