
Making Art, the Next Cicada Generation, and Current Reads

Making Art, the Next Cicada Generation, and Current Reads

The roaring sound of cicada tymbals has noticeably quieted. The next generation of periodical cicadas is young and silent. After hatching from eggs laid in trees, they will fall to the ground and tunnel into the earth, where they will live in darkness for years. These days it is the lightning bugs who are putting on a show.

Counting Arthropods in a Patch of Daisy Fleabane

Counting Arthropods in a Patch of Daisy Fleabane

On a sunny summer morning I spent well over an hour examining a patch of daisy fleabane, a weedy plant that stands at about four feet tall and is topped with small white flowers that are daisy-like with fringed petals surrounding a yellow center. I was at this flower patch for the purpose of counting arthropods.