
Arctic Birds Wintering in the Midwest

Arctic Birds Wintering in the Midwest

While some migratory birds are leaving, others are just arriving. Birds from the Arctic Circle make their grand entrance. Arctic migratory birds can have very specific winter locales, including the east and west coastlines or hotspots occurring within select states. Others are common residents throughout much of the lower forty-eight and even more common throughout the Midwest.

The Regulars

The Regulars

The loud squawking of blue jays leads my gaze upward. The talkative birds coast in from the distance and land on the tallest tree branches where they continue their conversation. Cardinals are unmistakable with their red plumage popping against the muted winter backdrop. Nuthatches scratch the wood of trees as they crawl around on tree trunks. A downy woodpecker joins them.

The Monarchs and the Apple Tree

The Monarchs and the Apple Tree

It was early evening when I strolled through a small orchard. Here and there among fruiting trees were pairs of orange wings edged with black veining and white dots fluttering against the dimming sky. These wings belonged to monarch butterflies, and they appeared everywhere I turned.